Saturday, March 18, 2006

Principles of Software Testing

All tests should follow the specified requirement
No matter How Big or Small the software is, there should be a precise document that mentions about what the software does and what are all its features. Strictly following such documents causes no harm to testing; also there would be a proof for the testers to show that the application deviates from the specified condition or requirement. During test planning and design phases of testing life cycle, the tester has to follow the requirements document to make sure that the application developed is the same as what the user wants.

Plan the test before you start executing
Every test has to have a proper planning. The testing team has to plan first about how they are going to proceed further with testing. Without proper planning there will be chances of facing hazardous situations that might result in releasing defective software to the users. There should also be a common understanding among the team members about how have they planned the testing and what are the different milestones to be achieved during this phase.

Documenting the test results
Test results have to be documented to provide proper understanding about what the software is doing or rather not doing. Based upon these results a tester may conclude whether the results are matching the expected or they are deviating from the specified requirement. The tester may always raise a flag for the deviated results. Test results also provide inputs in making decisions on whether the testing should be continued or not.

Test the software thoroughly
Partially tested software is as good as non-tested software. The testing team has to make a note of what have they tested and what they have not tested in particular software. It is very much advisable to test the entire functionality of the software at least once.


zambezi said...

pretty cool blog. keep writing and sharing knowledge.

Software testing videos  said...

I have read several other principle also. Though you have shared the main one that are to be considered. Thanks